A lot comes with having a small business. You can't just do the things you are good at, you have to do a lot of work on the side. Which is probably not your biggest strenght, but it has to be done. Marketing is one of them. I feel we don't have a big store on 5th avenue, but a small business in a side alley. So how do people find you? How do they know you excist? Marketing is a tool, but Suzy and I didn't go to school to become marketing experts, and we don't have the budget to spend a lot of money on it. So we try to make our own flyers and brochures, started a blog and website to attract people to our small shop in that side alley, somewhere in a suburbian town in New England. Not easy!
Luckily for us, these days it is a lot easier than it used to be, but then again, the competition is also bigger, better and fierce!
So I made these flyers, business cards and try to get them out there as much as possible in the hopes that people think about us when they need some great candid, spontaneous photographs from their family or children.
Let us know how we do, we appreciate your comments or tips!
Ciao, Mireille
wunderschön zärtliche beeindruckende Fotos, eine Freude, sie anzuschauen und in diesen Kindergesichter zu lesen ...mit einem lieben Gruß Ursa
Kindergesichtern !!!
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