The next big session we had together was before an exhibition Suzy had in a local bank. She wanted some more portraits of children and I had this idea of dressing the girls in kimono's and making them look like little Geisha's. We painted the faces white and their lips looked like little hearts. We had fun with it, it was a short shoot, everything was done in about 1 hour, make-up and photo shoot. Some amazing shots came out of this. Some Suzy put on canvas to show at her exhibition.

We told the girls to not laugh otherwise the heartshape of the mouth would not show, and they totally did their best. Can you imagine they are only 5 years old, but already such a pros as taking pictures! We did the whole shoot in Black/White, however even the colored ones look great, since the kimono is black and white, we only had a splash of red with an umbrella and their lips.

Oops, I just saw this.
why would you want to dress your sweet girls up as geishas? geishas were/are traditionally entertainers and some also provided pleasurable experiences for working men.
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